
“I was introduced to Joe via Sean’s Place. From my first session I knew it was something different from the numerous treatments I had experienced in my 30 year battle with depression. Right from day one I felt the weight of years of suffering starting to lift off my shoulders. I had started laughing and smiling again to the point were family and friends noticed I had changed and asked if had I been on holiday because I looked really well. I am now in a different place to where I was before our meeting. I have now finished my sessions with joe and I would not be exaggerating in saying i am taking control of my life back from my dark days. Thanks Joe for giving me hope.”

— Ian W, Liverpool.

“Joe is a fabulous listener and an inspirational and caring kind human being. I would like to thank Joe for his truly amazing course, it has been life changing for me. I can’t recommend the course enough. If you’re thinking about it, do it.”

— Vera, 65, Liverpool

“I can’t thank Joe enough for everything he taught me during the Solution Focused Hypnotherapy sessions. I now have a clear perspective of how the brain functions which allows me to feel in control in situations that would normally challenge me. The techniques I’ve learned are life changing and I’m feeling much more confident. Thanks Joe for everything.”

— Hannah, 29, Liverpool

“I have tried several therapists over the years and haven't found anything to help me. I was reluctant to try hypnotherapy until I had a session with Joe and my preconceived thoughts on the therapy completely changed. Now I have had Joe's help, I know I can achieve my goals and it's made me the best version of myself. I have never been happier, thank you Joe. ”

— Matty, 29, Liverpool

“I was attending a men’s mental health group called Sean’s Place. They help men of all ages with a wide range of issues. I was going through a difficult time and felt stressed and full of worry. I completely lacked a positive outlook on moving forward.

I was introduced to Joe who talked in a passionate way about his Solution Focused Hypnotherapy. After a talk with Joe I took him up on the offer of a couple of sessions to see if this worked for me. I can now say that this was the best decision to help me through and out of the bad place I was in.

I have now attended many sessions. These sessions had two parts to them. In the fist part Joe would tell me a lot of interesting things about where our thoughts come from and why we have different ways of reacting to them. This helped me understand and deal with a lot of the negative thoughts I was having. Joe was someone who I could tell genuinely wanted to help me. This gave me even more confidence as I found it easier to open up to him and go through this part of the session. The second part of the session is calm and relaxing, listening to Joe's voice. This part I really liked as it was time for me to just relax sit back and feel the benefit of Joe’s Solution Focused Hypnotherapy. After these sessions I would feel confident, have a more positive outlook, but most of all, be able to understand and deal with negative thoughts.

I would highly recommend Solution Focused Hypnotherapy to anyone who has the same issues I had, and I am sure there are plenty of other issues in which this would help with. I now see Joe as a friend who regularly stays in touch to see how I am doing. I am doing really well and still use techniques that Joe taught me to deal with any problems or challenges.”

— John R, Liverpool.

“Solution focused hypnotherapy has changed my life. I feel positive, more energetic and focused. I never thought this would be possible but Solution Focused proved me wrong. I would highly recommend these sessions to anybody looking for guidance and support through challenging times; not matter how big or small. Self investment is priceless”

— Jess, 29, Liverpool

“I called Joe as I was struggling to sleep, and suffering with stress and anxiety (job related) I can honestly say it’s the best thing I have ever done! I would not hesitate in recommending Joe, he changed my outlook, I’m sleeping and managing my stress. Make that call!”

— Ann, 55, Liverpool

“I started having hypnotherapy with Joe Forshaw in early 2020. I lost my wife in Dec 2019 and I went through a very bad time with the bereavement. Joe was very helpful and explained very clearly how it would work. He drew diagrams of how the brain works and the thought processes.

He started the hypnotherapy and after a couple of weeks my sleep improved as the relaxing techniques started to have a positive effect on my well being.

It was a great help on my way to recovery.”

— Phil, Liverpool.