Anxiety and Stress Related issues

Anxiety and Stress are quite normal and appropriate responses to many situations we experience in our lives. Think of sitting an exam, attending an interview or even riding on a Roller Coaster. However, when we experience heightened or prolonged periods of Anxiety or Stress this can spiral out of control. Anxiety can lead to issues such as Phobias, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Panic Attacks and Social Anxiety.

What is anxiety?

We all experience anxiety from time to time and to some degree.

Anxiety is an evolutionary response to danger or stressful situations. It is our bodies way of preparing us to deal with the threat or task ahead. In its mildest form this can be thought of as the feeling of excitement we get before a sports event or sitting an exam. 

However, when we perceive the threat to be greater, the response can be more severe. This can result in feelings of panic and fear as our primitive fight/flight response is activated. The fight/flight response helped our ancient ancestors to deal with many life-threatening situations, e.g. wild animals and rival tribespeople they faced in their daily lives.

Thankfully today we rarely face the same threats our ancient ancestors encountered. However, our brain is still hard-wired to respond in the same way to modern day causes of anxiety. The primitive area of our brain that is responsible for our fight or flight reaction does not know the difference between a bank statement or a credit card bill and a wild animal. So, whatever the cause of our anxiety, we respond in the same way our ancestors responded to a wild animal. Many situations that cause us anxiety in modern life can trigger issues such as Depression, PTSD, Phobias, Social Anxiety and more.

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can help to reduce the feelings of Anxiety by teaching you how to effectively quieten the fight/flight response. Also, by focusing positively on your present and future, you can think in a more constructive and positive way. This will help you to deal with any of life’s problems or issues far more effectively and confidently.

“Every moment is a fresh beginning.”

- T.S Elliot.



In its mildest form Depression can be described as low mood. We can all experience low mood from time to time in response anxiety or stressful circumstances. However, when this lasts for a prolonged period of time it can begin to affect you daily life.  In its more extreme form Depression can be debilitating. This can result in an inability to function normally e.g. going to work or the lack of desire to socialise and interact with others. This can feel as though we are experiencing a total body shutdown and locking ourselves away from the outside world can seem to be the only answer.

“There are times when explanations, no matter how reasonable, don’t seem to help.”

- Fred Rogers.

What is Depression?

Approximately 320 million people worldwide suffer from Depression and 1 in 10 people will be affected at some point in their lives. We all experience low mood from time to time, but severe depression can be debilitating and leave the sufferer unable to function normally. The causes of Depression lie in stressful or challenging circumstances that a person may be experiencing in their life at a particular time.

The symptoms of Depression are varied and include hopelessness, disinterest, fatigue and lack of self-esteem.  This can make any form of social interaction undesirable and lead to social withdrawal and isolation as the only perceived solution.

Depression can be thought of as an evolutionary defence mechanism. Your brain is attempting to keep you safe by forcing you to avoid harmful situations and the perceived potential danger.

In severe cases of Depression where people withdraw completely, they may also sleep for long periods which can be likened to a form of hibernation. The person will not interact until the perceived danger or threat has passed.

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can help you to move out of Depression by effectively addressing the Stress and Anxiety that are underlying causes of the problem.