
Addiction is not uncommon. According to the charity Action on Addiction, 1 in 3 people are addicted to something. Addiction is defined as not having control over doing, taking or using something to the point where it could be harmful to you.

“It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop.”

- Confucius.

What is addiction?

When we think of addictions, it is the use of substances such as alcohol and drugs that usually spring to mind and are officially classed as addictions. Although there is disagreement as to what can be officially classified as an addiction, there is no doubt that many activities can cause addictive behaviour. This addictive behaviour can take many forms.

For example, addictive behaviour is commonly linked to Gambling, Shopping, Food, Sex, Social media, Work, Exercise and Video Games. Addictive behaviour can be extremely disruptive and destructive to the life of the person as well as their family and friends.

In many cases, Anxiety can be the underlying cause of addictive behaviour. People may use a particular behaviour as a coping mechanism which can temporarily reduce feelings of anxiety. They may also experience a “high” from the behaviour which will increase the desire to engage in the activity.

Often people experience withdrawal symptoms and associated negative emotions when they are unable to engage in the activity. Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can effectively help with Addictive Behaviour. As Addictive Behaviour can be a result of a build-up of Stress and Anxiety, we can help to reduce the need for whichever coping mechanism has developed by addressing the underlying causes of Stress and Anxiety.